It's been busy, the semester is ending and I go up to Los Angeles every other day to look at apartments. For L.A. people I recommend Boulevard Nights before the O.C. kids get wind of it and the place is ruined.
I tried to blow the lid of that modeling scam by logging on as this ugly girl from Boston and creating a profile. Wow, this chick is gross and the ruined the d.i.y. hardcore scene by getting gross in the pit. Of course some boys may have a thing for her, but if they are into girls this manly they ought to come out of the closet and move to West Hollywood, be my future neighbor. Actually no, stay away, the hardcore scene causes "gentrification" and that shit will raise my rent.
Anyway, my plan would have been hilarious, this super ugly would be on the modeling site and I'd contact so many people under her name. It would be a massive disgrace, but this did not work cause they wanted my credit card number - I've got to rethink this prank. There will be away to make the beast an agent for Impact Worldwide Talent.

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