to my fellow bloggers...
So it is official, the name of the blog is now 150 Days of Sodom, so next time you update your sidebar, maybe you could change the name on your link to this site - the web address is the same. If not, well that is ok too, the blog always had two names, Bloodbath Horror Blog, and Warrenzone, which I took from a website where I used to showcase my web design. I no longer pay for that domain name, so that site is dead. 150 Days of Sodom is anything but dead. I will continue to cut through the shit and tell it like it is in the horror scene and I'll keep reviewing those not-on-DVD dusty, obscure, VHS tapes.
Check out this graphic my friend Annie toyrobot made for me! Her artwork here.

sites/blogs to check:
The Horror Blog - updates frequently, move over bloody-disguting!
this Larry Klein directed video - I mentioned it last post!
pictures of Zoey - in her blog Chronicle - would you I beleive I used to do a website for her? Now she made this all by herself!
Fatally*Yours - we like this horror blog from Orange County, but don't really like much else that comes from there.
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