Friday, March 02, 2007

Blood and Chocolate rebuttal

I know it's old news, but I love it when a blog takes issue with something I wrote. Recently I discovered this rebuttal to my Blood and Chocolate post "audiences laughing their asses off when title 'Blood and Chocolate' hits the screen during preview" - the first of several posts I wrote on that movie. The article that quotes me extensively is from the feminist blog The True Confessions of an Hourly Bookseller and is titled "Synergy and Sexism Mess Up Blood and Chocolate Marketing" - though I do not think this post implies that my writing on the movie is sexist.

Basically her point is that the title is not confusing to the targeted market - teenage girls. I considered the market to be all teens. In the end I think the debate can only be settled by box office receipts. I will quote wikipedia on the matter. "The movie was a box office bomb, taking in only $2.1 million in the United States on its opening weekend and dropping out of the top 20 grossing movies in only its second week of release."

I'd also like to note that upon the weekend of the release they changed the poster in the newsprint ads, obviously to make audiences 'get it'. Shown here with the old above the new.

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